Hey everyone and welcome to my blog!
My name is Janine and I’m a 22-year-old native Coloradan. I am about to graduate from Colorado Mesa University with Bachelors in English Literature and Business Marketing. I love reading and long walks on the beach (no seriously, I need a beach right now). Books have always been a huge part of my life. There’s nothing like getting lost in the imagination and wonder of a good story. I just love the way words can be strung together to create dreams and pictures in your mind.
By far, my faith is the most important part of my life. I’ve known Jesus since I was a little girl and even got to go to Christian schools growing up. My time at college has help revolutionize my faith and transform my relationship with God. I was baptized in the Colorado River on November 6, 2018. It was around 6:00pm and absolutely freezing cold (but so, so worth it). I’m currently studying out trust and forgiveness. I’ve struggled with these two things for most of my life, but, by God’s grace, I’ve been making progress over the past few months.
Thanks for following along on my journey with World Race! Stay tuned to learn all about the trouble I’m about to get in.
ich hab Dich lieb und würde Dich von Herzen gern in den Arm nehmen. Viel Erfolg und Glück wünsche ich Dir! Immerr Deine Odika!
Danke Odika! Ich hab Dich so so lieb!
Thank you! I’m so excited and so grateful for your love and support! I’ll be at home in Castle Rock for the rest of the summer until I leave.
Since many years I include you im my daily prayers. I wish you all the best, especially today (8/29/2021), for your race. Keep healthy, have welthy experiances and a safe return to home.
Thank you so much for your prayers! I hope you’re doing well and I’ll be praying for you too.
We’re looking forward to joining you on this incredible journey and getting to know you! Are you still in Grand Junction or back home in Castle Rock (not far from our home in Westminster!)