Team Happy Feet took on Europe together and what a time it was. We might have only had two short months as a team, but we sure made the most of it! So, as I’m sitting on the floor of the Atlanta airport, getting ready to finally go home, I’m reflecting on all the amazing times I got with these girls. Let’s start the goodbye process by saying bye-bye to Team Happy Feet.
Sav is truly one of the most positive and bright people I’ve ever met. No matter how bad the situation gets or how much she hates a certain ministry, she’s always the first to find the good and bring it back to Jesus. She was an incredible Team Lead, being sure to both challenge us all but also leaving plenty of room for fun. She’s a great example of living life balanced and focused on what truly matters. She’s an incredibly hard worker and is always the first to volunteer, even when her back is actually killing her. I love her so dearly and I have since the beginning of the Race. Thank God we got to be on a team together! She’s been on such a beautiful journey of trust and healing, and it’s been an honor to watch her blossom over these past 11 months. I love you so freaking much, Savvy! Can’t wait to come visit Maine!
Steph has one of the biggest hearts in the whole world. Her servant posture and intentionality truly reflect Christ so beautifully. If you tell her one detail about yourself, she’ll remember it until the end of time. She’s incredibly easy to talk to and makes any mundane task 10x more fun. She’s great at bringing joy to any situation and is just naturally a positive, upbeat person that is easy to be around and spend time with. I love the way she’s become more confident in who she is and truly rooted her identity in who Jesus calls her to be. I’m so excited to see how you’ll be touching lives left and right now that we’re back in the States! You’re amazing, Steph! Thanks for always sending me ducks!
Cass was an absolute lifesaver in Romania. We spent an insane amount of time together and I still missed her bunches when we were apart for a few hours. Cass can and will laugh about anything and everything – it’s a true gift. We could spend hours just laugh-crying together about the dumbest stuff. Her humor is impeccable, but we also have had some of the deepest talks ever. She’s so real and authentic and brings a beautiful perspective that I often had never thought about. She’s also really great at making the best of things and not letting anything get to her. She was one of the only ones on the Squad that was truly thriving throughout all of Africa, and it was amazing to see! We got to do Beauty for Ashes together in Lesotho which helped us get to know each other even better. I’m so so so thankful for the time I got with you, Casamira! You better come visit me soon!
Unfortunately, Claire had to leave the Race early due to some personal things that came up. That means that we only got a few weeks with her in-person on Team Happy Feet. I’m really sad our time together got cut short, but I’m so proud of her for making the right decision for herself and her family. Claire has such an amazing, adventurous spirit. I really loved randomly going to art museums and trying Rwandan banana wine together. She has such a huge heart for her family and especially her little sister. I’ve loved getting to pray with her and watch her lean into the Lord and hand over her family to Him. Love you so much, Claire! Hopefully I can come visit you in PARIS soon!
Squad Leader Shoutout
Jackie and Morgan became our Squad Leaders in South Africa. That means that they got to take care of a lot of the behind the scenes and logistical stuff that most of us had no idea was even happening. They’ve taken such god care of us spiritually for months and months through intentional prayer and check-ins. I love them both to death! Being Squad Leads, however, means that they bounce around from team to team instead of staying with one the whole time. This adds a whole different challenge to their Race as they constantly have to adjust to new dynamics and situations and sometimes feel a bit left out. I hope you both know that you are just as much a part of Happy Feet and Golden Girls as the rest of us were! Love you both!
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times – Jackie is a freaking badass. Seriously it’s so hard to actually describe her and put her into words because of how amazing she is. She is a true warrior for the Lord – totally obedient in every way, always willing to sacrifice and put others first, beyond humble and gentle, filled to the literal brim with wisdom and discernment. If you want to gain wisdom, spend five minutes with Jackie and your mind will be blown, your perspective will change, and your world might explode. I’ve learned so much from just watching how she intentionally pursues the Lord and others. She lets him shine through her in ways I had never even imagined before. Wow, Jacks, I could go on and on about you forever, but I digress. All I know is that I want to be you when I grow up!
Are you feeling a bit down? Do you need someone to cheer you up? Are you looking for a golden retriever in human form to be your friend? Well, I’ve got the girl for you! I’m fully convinced that everyone in the world needs to meet Morgan Freaking Noonan. She’s brilliant in every single way and has such a gift for loving people. She has every excuse to stick her nose in the air and act like she’s better than everyone (because she is), but she never ever does. She’s always the first to humble herself, to let someone else take the real bed, to share food, to serve. Seriously, spend a day with her and you’ll be reminded that there truly is good in this world. Noonie, I love you I love you I love you! And I’m definitely going to miss this. I’m going to want this back. I’m absolutely going to wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.
Wow. I can’t believe that our 2 months together are up. I obviously love these girls endlessly and have learned so much from them! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank God enough for bringing them into my life. Cheers to Team Happy Feet!
🙁 Wow I love you a whole lot and am so grateful to have been on a team with you! You are incredible Janine and don’t you ever forget it. 😀
Love you all, love that you love all of them! Also what fun photos of you all 🙂
Ahhhhh! Love you!!!! Miss you already!
We had so many great adventures together!!! Jackie and the pig is one of my favorites lol
Your descriptions of your team are sooooo accurate! I love you all so much and am so thankful we got to share this journey, albeit most of the time from a distance, with you. You’ve truly impacted my life and I will always remember ways our lives intersected!