Happy Friday! Thanks for following my journey through the first month of my World Race adventure! I’m so grateful for everyone who has kept the Squash Sisters in their prayers, so I hope you enjoy this blog about what we learned in Costa Rica. Please keep praying for us as we serve at Light and Salt Ministries in Nicaragua.
Janine Hald
Month One of the World Race was absolutely incredible. I learned so much from my time in La Vigia and Jaco, but one of the biggest lessons is about surrender. Living in someone’s church, quarantining for 15 days, and having a massive language barrier was pretty challenging. I had to learn to hold my time, my plans, and my desires with a very open hand, completely surrendering every detail to God. Every day was a mystery and an adventure in itself and once I accepted that, it made the whole experience all the more beautiful.
In Costa Rica, I learned just how much beauty there is in the slow pace of life. I struggle with thinking that my identity comes from what I do, so the Lord taught me a lot through quarantine! Also, the people are so loving and hospitable. I was very impacted by a specific family who welcomed us into their home and loved on us. Orlando opened his home to us, let us ride his horses, and even chopped down coconuts for us. I got to see a little more of Jesus this last month through the people.
In Costa Rica, the Lord taught me how to laugh at myself. Throughout mouth one, He continued to challenge me by throwing me into situations where I HAD to learn how to laugh at myself. My pastor loved to make fun of me and laugh at my attempts at Spanish. The children loved to laugh at my bad dance moves. My team loved to make fun of my Wisconsin accent. Slowly, Christ showed me that these people weren’t laughing at me, but they were laughing with me. Costa Rica was full of laughter and joy. And through that, Christ reminded me that He loves my goofy, weird side and He loves to laugh with me. This is a major part of who I am and He’s glorified through authenticity.
Costa Rica was a time of leaving the busyness of the American culture and embracing the slow-paced life of a new culture. No one was in a hurry and things got done when they got done. There wasn’t a lot of pressure to conform to time. If a time was given, we had to hold it loosely and just accomplish the task at some point that day. I had to let go of a lot of expectations and frustration that come with being time driven.
There are so many lessons that came out of Costa Rica that I am able to carry with me throughout life. One thing I learned in Costa Rica is that I was able to build relationships with people rather quickly even with a language barrier. I found the people of Costa Rica to be incredibly hospitable and kind. Although I don’t speak Spanish, they welcomed me in as one of their own and were eager to know me. It made me feel incredibly special. I am grateful for the lessons Costa Rica taught me and I hope to bring that knowledge to others.
In Costa Rica, we spent most of our time confused. We never knew what was happening or what the plan was, but we went along with it anyways because we trusted our host. It reminded me of how we don’t always know the bigger picture of what God is doing or how He is working, but we get to trust Him anyways! His plans are always good.
My, how we’ve grown! In a single month, Marley has almost doubled in size, and I’ve learned so much about God’s love, what it means to live in community, and how to serve through a language barrier. I’ll keep these lessons about surrender, the slow life, laughter, and hospitality with me for the rest of my life.
Cool to hear what each of your Squash Sisters took away and learned during your first month.
Love the pictures!
There were sooooo many pictures taken! We really struggled to narrow it down to one each.
LOVE YOU GUYS. And always love hearing about the ways you have grown
Love you too! It’s always fun to see what people are learning!
We love you too! And we’ve definitely learned so much!
Sooooo cool to hear a snippet of how each of you grew and the lessons you’re taking with you from that experrience. I love you all a ton!