“At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them. And He said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.’”
Matthew 18:1-5
For my second World Race month, I’m helping out with Light and Salt Ministries’ Boys Formation Classes. In order to provide a long-term solution to poverty, L&S runs a supplementary education program for boys aged 9-15. Each day, there are two classes: mornings from 8:00am -11:30am and afternoons from 1:30pm – 4:30pm. The teaching and exercises are the same for both classes and include sports, Bible study, art, music, English, and critical thinking. Meals are also provided, breakfast and lunch for the morning group and dinner for the afternoon class. The boys are given room to express themselves creatively, learn important skills that will give them a boost in the workspace, and see what it means to be a good, godly man.
There are currently 42 boys enrolled in the program, but due to COVID only about half of them are able to show up regularly. The handful of kiddos that show up every day are rowdy, loud, get in fights, don’t always listen to their teachers, sometimes refuse to participate in activities, and have absolutely stolen my heart. Despite the challenging lives they live outside of the ministry, they have learned that this is a safe space where they can just come and be kids. Tt’s beautiful to watch. Even on the most overwhelming days, it’s not hard to see God clearly in these boys.
Children have a way of reflecting the Lord in a way that no one else can. They love so deeply and openly. I’ve been given a bunch of drawings and paper snowflakes from the boys in just the first week. One of them even picked me a flower. They show feelings without restraint or hesitation. When they feel joy, anger, exhaustion, or hunger it’s honest and clear. There’s no suppressing emotions or putting on an act for others. They also have such a joy for life – the smallest things can excite them and make their day. I’ve had such a beautiful time seeking God in each of their hearts and faces. We can truly learn so incredibly much from children, especially when it comes to following Christ.
It’s been such an honor working with these boys and I fall more in love with them each day. I know this month will be both challenging and rewarding and I’m so ready for it. Light and Salt Ministries has done so much for Ciudad Dario and it’s amazing that we get to partner with them and serve with them. Please join me in lifting them up in prayer this month! If you want to learn more about the ministry, be sure to check out their website, Facebook, and Instagram. Claudzilla has been running point on marketing for them and has done a wonderful job! She also took all the pictures below, so show her some love.
On Friday, we had a birthday party for all the boys!
The costume contest was a big success. Our wizard won first place!
We also played lots and lots of games including futbol (of course), trivia, and pin the tail on the donkey (so close, Gilbert!).
Next, we had the best dance off ever! Angel (left) took second place and Carlos (right) was our champion.
The water balloon toss was a blast of course, especially for Savanna.
I’m so glad you discovered your love for working with kids (and teenagers) again!
What a joy to hear how much this blesses you. Continue to love on those boys.
It sounds like you’re all doing a great job and were desperately needed at L&S. Keep it up, have fun, and bring joy!
They’re definitely a handful, but I do love them lots! It’s really fun, exhausting, rewarding work.
Thank you! Claudzilla did such a great job!
Thank you so much! The pieces just fell together so perfectly without me even trying. Definitely a God thing!
I loved hearing about what you’re doing at L&S and know the Squad is making a huge positive impact on them as much as they are impacting you. The pic of Sav is amazing! way to go Claudzilla!
AMAZING!! I love your photos and I love how you see the Kingdom of God and Scripture come to life right before you!!