Buenos días from Costa Rica!
Yesterday, we got up at 4:00am to board our flight and landed in the afternoon. Customs was a bit chaotic, but we all got through it and onto our bus within a few hours. After a two-hour drive, we made it to our hostel safe and sound. I’ve never stayed in a hostel before, and I was a bit nervous about it. Turns out that there was nothing to worry about. We stayed in this beautiful house with amazing decorations, comfy bunkbeds, a clean kitchen, and a sweet outdoor area. We had a cultural orientation where we learned the basic do’s and don’t’s of Costa Rica, then walked to a local grocery store to buy dinner. While it was definitely a long day, it was a good one.
1. The community we’ll be serving and living with this month. When I called our host, Basilio, he shared that his church does a lot of evangelism and asked for prayer for all the people that they interact with. His heart goes out to the community and town that his church serves.
2. Fundraising. Thanks to all your incredible generosity, I’ve reached $13,730 of my $18,700 goal. This is so exciting and I’m extremely thankful, but clearly, I still have a way to go. To be honest, I’ve been a bit discouraged about it the past week, so I would love some prayers! The deadline for the rest of the amount is due in November and I’m working on trusting God to provide.
3. The language barrier. Basilio and his family speak very little English and my Spanish isn’t nearly as good as I want it to be. I really want to reach out and love this family throughout the month, so please be praying that I pick up Spanish quickly and that we’re all able to communicate with them.
This is going to be my last Friday Prayer Requests blog. From now on, I’ll include my prayer requests at the end of my other blogs. So, thank you to everyone who is going to keep reading and praying! I’m so grateful for each of you and I hope that you’ll leave any prayer requests you have in the comments.
Praying for you and your team.
You got this!!
Praying for you and your team! You will be a bright light for everyone your encounter!
Thank you so much! Love you and miss you tons!
Thank you!! Your prayers truly mean the world!
Dear God, please help with adjusting to their new environments, new language, new routines (or lack of), new teams and new roles. Help each of them look to you for guidance, safety, trust, and all the fruits of the spirit to be manifested in them. Help them miraculously understand Spanish and bless their efforts to speak it. Give them patience and compassion for each other. Remind them that others will know they are Your disciples by the love they have for each other! (John 13:34-35
“Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”
In Jesus’ name, Amen