Hey everyone!
I’m so incredibly grateful for all of you who have been following my journey so far. If you read my post on Monday, you know that I recently completed a week-long training camp in Georgia. This was one of the most amazing and most challenging weeks of my life and I would love some help praying through all I learned.
Here are my prayer requests for this week:
1. Understanding of God’s love. God taught me so much about how much He truly loves me and how I have really struggled to accept it. I had some pretty emotional days during training camp and I still have a lot left to process. Please be praying Ephesians:17b-19 over me.
2. My last two weeks at home. I head back to Georgia on August 6 to begin our launch process. Before that, I still have a lot of things to take care of and details to iron out. Launch will also involve a lot more training and lessons that I need to get ready for. Please be praying that I can get everything done that I need to and can get mentally and emotionally prepared for launch, all while staying present at home.
3. Our leadership team. Our squad has an incredible Mentor, Amy, two wonderful Coaches, Char and Mike, and two amazing Squad Leaders, Kayla and Lubbock. They’ve been working tirelessly for months to get this trip set up for us and will be taking care of us before, during, and after our Race. Please join me in covering them in prayer.
Thank you so much for all your love, support, and prayers. They truly mean the world to me. If you have any prayer requests of your own, be sure to leave them in the comments!
Don’t we all!? God’s love is so unexplainable and big; we all need to keep learning more about it every day.
I will definitely be praying Eph 3:17-19 over you … and will add the rest of the squad too. We all need a deeper understanding and acceptance of God’s love for us!