Happy Friday!
I’m so thankful for each and every one of you who has been keeping up with my journey and praying for me. Thanks for taking the time to read my prayer requests each Friday and including me in your time with God. I think most of you don’t understand how powerful your prayers truly are and how much they’ve impacted and helped me.
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
-James 5:16b
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people.”
-1 Timothy 2:1
This week, I want to ask you to pray for three awesome ministries that are doing God’s work around the world. There are countless organizations and groups that are fighting for important causes and one of the best ways we can support them is through prayer. As I’ve been preparing for this trip, I’ve been struck by the work that organizations like World Race do and I want to make time in my schedule to life them up in prayer.
Here are three ministries that are very close to my heart:
1. IllumiNations. I recently bought my fourth Bible: a smaller, thinner one that I’m going to take with me on my trip. It’s crazy to consider that there are places around the globe where owning a Bible is illegal, yet here I am with four paper ones and access to any Bible any time I want on my phone. Also, there are hundreds of languages that God’s Word has not been translated into yet, but here we are with countless translations and commentaries. IllumiNations is an incredible organization that is working to translate the Bible into every language on earth. Please join me in praying for them and check out their website if you’re interested in learning more about their work: https://illuminations.bible/.
2. OneDoor Ministries. Last year I got the opportunity to work as an administrative intern for this amazing ministry. ODM is a small ministry led by Steve and Karen Jameson. They work with pastors in Haiti: training them, providing them with teaching materials, and helping meet their physical needs. Given the tense climate, corruption, and opposition to Christianity in Haiti, their work has been instrumental in reaching people who desperately need God’s hope and love. Please take a look at their website to learn more about their mission: https://www.onedoor.ws/.
3. OneChild. OneChild is a sponsorship program that supports children in third world countries. Through a monthly sponsorship, you are able to help provide for a child’s physical, spiritual, and educational needs. This is the organization that I sponsor my kiddo, Ronjie, through. I was also able to volunteer at one of their centers in Honduras a few years also. They are amazing to work with and care deeply about these children. Even with all the COVID complications, they’ve made it as easy as possible to send your kid letters and small gifts. If you’re considering sponsoring a child or just want to learn more about them, check out this link: https://onechild.org/.
Thanks again for praying for these organizations with me. If you have any prayer requests, be sure to leave them in the comments!
I love that you are bringing attention to these organizations! It is always so great to hear about what other people are doing around the world! I will be praying for these missionaries, people and organizations!
Thank you so much! It’s truly incredible how many amazing organizations are out there serving and loving others.
I’m glad there are lots of ministries striving to meet the needs of people.
God, please open all of our hearts to your direction on where to donate to partner with people already doing the work you’ve called them to. In Jesus’ name, Amen