Happy Friday and thanks for tuning in today!
Over the past few months, it has become very apparent to me how lacking my prayer life is. God’s put it on my heart to wrestle through it and work on praying consistently and intentionally. Prayer is so powerful (Matthew 21:22, John 14:13-14, Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:16) and it would be silly not to use the power and tools God has given me.
With this in mind, I’ve decided to start a Friday Prayer Requests series on this blog. Each week, I’ll share what is on my heart and invite all of you to pray with me.
So here we go, my prayer requests for this week:
1. Ronjie, my sponsor child. He lives in the Philippines and is the most precious little boy. I pray for him daily and write to him as often as I can. I pray that this journey will fill me with new light and love to pass on to him. I also hope that I will continue to find the time to write him consistently while I travel.
2. The East African countries that we will visit on the trip: Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda. This week I decided to start praying for each country we will visit. My goal is to focus on one each day and I’ve prayed over Ethiopia and Rwanda so far. The World Race website has really great information about each country and what their specific needs are.
3. Fundraising. This is such a new and uncomfortable thing for me. However, Adventures in Missions has really opened my eyes how fundraising is so much more than asking for money: it’s inviting people to partner with you in anyway God is calling them to and not necessarily financially. I could really use some prayer to help me get used to this new mindset and embrace the beauty of inviting others on this journey with me.
Thank you for sharing your prayer requests. That encourages the rest of us to realize how important and powerful prayer is…it’s something that’s easy to forget. Fundraising is definitely very challenging for everyone, but in it is evidence that God provides. Our focus is taken from our own self-sufficiency and illusion that ‘I did it’. We have a chance to learn to trust God at a new level through it.