“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”
Isaiah 52:7
When it came time to pick a name for our last team, we all agreed that we wanted something that reflected the joy we all had tucked away in our hearts. We were also passionate about highlighting why we’re here to begin with: sharing the gospel. Everyone started throwing around random names and verse and ideas, but we finally landed on Happy Feet. The verse from Isaiah was our main inspiration, plus we just wanted a cute name! Now that you have a bit of background, let’s meet the team!
Hi! My name is Sav, and I am the Team Lead for Team Happy Feet! I am so excited to finally get to be on a team with Janine after getting to know her throughout the World Race! I love what an encouraging and uplifting spirit Janine is, and I hope to reciprocate that towards her, the rest of our team, and those we are ministering to. I love getting to explore the world while simultaneously learning so much more about our Creator. It’s incredible to me how He handcrafted the world the way it is and each one of us so uniquely. One thing I’m learning on the World Race is that Jesus really wants to offer me all I need so that I do not have to compensate my lack or desires in other ways, e.g., boys or overworking myself. I’m also really learning that sometimes we have nothing but ourselves to offer the world yet that’s all God wants us to do is offer our best selves to those around us. My favorite way to experience the world and God’s love is through exploring creation itself and that has been such a thrill on this journey! When we go home, I look forward to going back to my previous role as an educator, coach, raft guide, and friend back in MAINE. Yup, that’s right, I am a Maine-iac!! Peace and love to you, Janine’s trusty followers!
Hi I’m Cass! I go by Casimira, Poopy, Bassady, Cavity, Cassiopeia, and anything else that is remotely sounds like my name. I love to dance and give hugs literally all the time. I’m super passionate about learning the language when we’re in a new country and am usually one of the first to get the basic words down. I’m really outgoing and love, love, love working with kids. I feel everything very deeply and value personal relationships a lot. On the Race, I’ve learned how to access freedom in the moment and renew my mind by taking negative thoughts captive. For the longest time, I didn’t realize that these gifts were accessible now. I don’t need to wait a long time to be healed from everything. I can choose to be healed in the here and now.
Hey, I’m Steph! I’m one of our 2 OH-IO gals. My jam is Jesus, fitness, and ice cream. I want to tell you all that you’re never too old to go on a Kingdom Journey – I’m 36! This has been the best year of my life. The World Race has shown me how beautiful it is to meet people all over the world worshipping the same God in so many diverse ways. Learning from ministry partners on the ground that know and meet the needs of their community in empowering ways has been such a blessing. Living on mission this year and in a community of Christian believers has helped my personal growth and it has revealed so many life lessons I’ll forever treasure. I’m blown away by the spiritual discernment and wisdom of my younger L-Squad mates like Janine! I’m so pumped to FINALLY be on a team together!
Hi I’m Claire! I am super passionate about justice and studied pre-law in school. I’m the youngest member of L-Squad, but I definitely don’t let that stop me! My little sister, Megan, is one of my best friends and holds a HUGE piece of my heart. I love my family a lot and the Race has opened my eyes to how beautiful it is to have such a tight-knit family like I do. I’ve truly been blessed. The World Race has also helped me get to know myself and my values better.
Well, that’s the team! I haven’t been on a team with any of these girls before, so I’m excited to get to know them better and I hope you will too! Please be praying for the work we’re doing with Hope Church. There’s definitely a lot of heavy emotions as we serve refugees, Roma communities, and the youth of Craiova. Romania already has a piece of my heart and I know the rest of the team has also grown to love this city and ministry as well.
Hello. Keep going.
Thanks for introducing your new team.
The WR started and ended so fast…and there were some really long days in between. I love how you’ve grown through all you and L Squad experienced. You and the world are forever changed for the better because of it!