Light and Salt Ministries has three different programs and various community outreaches that they run. They reach hundreds of people each week, which takes a lot of manpower. There are so many jobs that need to be done around the ministry to make it run as smoothly. For example, when it comes to organizing a single day of classes for the boys, Zoila, the academic director has to plan out the curriculum, the teachers, Eliezer, Angelo, and Milton have to teach all day long while wrangling a bunch of preteen boys and then clean the classroom, and the kitchen staff, Dena, Reyna, and Marta, have to prepare the meals for the boys and clean up the eating area and bathrooms after they leave. There are so many little tasks being handled and details taken care of throughout the day that the boys are completely unaware of.
This is the case with a lot of the jobs that go on at the ministry. Much of the work happens behind the scenes. But that doesn’t make it any less valuable. It is often the smallest, least noticed tasks that are the most beautiful acts of service. It takes a lot of humility to mop the floor multiple times a day or clean toilets, but God sees it all and often He loves these “behind the scenes moments” even more than the big ones others tend to notice. As Christians, Jesus called each of us to be willing to work behind the scenes, even when it seems minuscule, pointless, or even gross. He modeled this for us when He washed His disciples’ feet.
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I teel you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”
John 13:14-17
It’s been incredible to see this beautiful demonstration of humility right in front of my eyes every single day. The staff at LASM lay down their lives and deny themselves each day to serve their community and give people a glimpse of God’s love. So many things go on behind the scenes that I will never know and I’m so thankful for the way they’ve loved and cared for us amidst their already packed schedules.
For the next couple weeks, I want to challenge myself and all of you to look for ways that we can serve behind the scenes. How can we wash feet, love humbly, and serve willingly every day? I also want to ask you to help me lift up the Light and Salt staff in your prayers. They do such amazing work and don’t receive nearly as much credit as they deserve.
Here are SOME of the people who have spent countless hours serving and loving behind the scenes:
Alex is Tara’s husband and helps run all of Light and Salt Ministries with her. He’s also in charge of all the construction going on and works super, super hard, sometimes even on weekends.
Zoila is the academic director for LASM. She’s been having a lot of health struggles over the past several months and was only able to start coming back to work a couple days ago. We spent a long time praying over her and her daughter, Isabel.
Reyna is the head cook at LASM. She has meals carefully planned out weeks in advance and is somehow managing to feed 30 teenage boys and 20 World Racers every day.
Eliezer is one of the three teachers for the boys’ program. He speaks English fluently and organized most of the birthday party for the boys we had last week. He’s absolutely hilarious and jokes around with us all the time. His wife, Charlene, works in the LASM office.
Angelo is the sports teacher around here. He may be short, but he makes up for it with how much he loves the boys, his giant smile, and his super, super fast Spanish. He loves playing futbol with the boys and teaching them how to make paper snowflakes.
Milton is the music teacher at LASM and also the leads the worship band at his church, La Roca. He plays piano, drums, and guitar. Thanks to him, the boys were able to sing “Reckless Love” at his church’s Day of the Bible celebration. He likes to pretend that he doesn’t speak English but is actually really good!
Dena is a cook in the kitchen. She loves to sing worship songs while she cooks and often goes to the market to buy fresh tortillas for us. She’s currently in a prank war with Claire. Her son, Liam, has the most luscious hair.
Martha is one of the kindest women I have ever met. She works in the kitchen and helps keep the whole ministry establishment clean and in working order. She makes sure to give me a hug every day and has invited a small group of us over to her house several times. We’ll be going to church with her tomorrow!
Valeska is the head of administration. She’s always one of the first people here in the mornings and the last to leave at night. She truly pours her heart and soul into this work. Her birthday was the same day as the boys’ party, so we spent our lunch break encouraging her and praying for her.
Photo Credits: Claudia Gruett (Of course)
Sorry again about the not centered photos… This blogging platform is out to get me.
I like the way you say that the ones behind the scenes are just as important as the ones that or not I think the ones behind the scenes of the ones who make things happen God gives them the power to help others get to where they need to go I love how you show each group and what they do I’m so amazed of what you are learning and so proud of what you are doing
Thanks for introducing and honoring all those hard-working people at LASM. It’s always so interesting and humbling to get a peek behind the scenes of any organization or event. Beautiful how you “see” everyone, and notice and respect how they contribute.
Yes! I knew that she would be amazing as soon as I heard her name 😉
Thank you! The ones behind the scenes are definitely so so so important!
Danke! They are truly all so incredible and I’m loving getting to know them all!
I love this blog, we love the people serving behind the scenes. Their hearts for this ministry are incredible
It’s quite unfortunate, but I have to pick my battles! Haha! Glad it could make you laugh!
They are truly so so incredible! And you definitely inspired this idea so thank you!!
This made me chuckle!!! You’re doing great 🙂
So sweet to hear about the people you’re interacting with and serving every day! And Eliezer’s wife’s name is Charlene? There aren’t many of us around!