It’s been a hot minute since I posted anything on the blog, so I wanted to give you all a quick update. Month 5 of the Race was a struggle for me. South Africa is a beautiful country filled with wonder, but I spent a lot of my time battling frustration, homesickness, and disappointment. Writing a blog felt too overwhelming and hard until now (the lack of Wi-Fi didn’t help either). I definitely needed to sort through all my feelings and issues first before I could even think about writing anything. The half-way slumps are too real.
That’s not to say that this month was terrible or that I didn’t enjoy any of it. Our ministry involved working in a vegetable garden with four donkeys, which was amazing and so unbelievably peaceful! I absolutely fell in love with the snails in the garden and the Lord and I talked a lot about silence and just being with one another instead of always needing to have a conversation. We also had some incredible adventure days including cage diving, visiting a penguin beach, and lots of surfing. I can’t wait to share all I’ve experienced and learned in a later blog.
Tomorrow L Squad is heading out to Lesotho. We’ll be there for a little over 2 weeks and will most likely not have access to internet so the updates will have to wait. Thanks for being patient with me and loving me from afar! I’m wishing you all a happy new year and a wonderful Wednesday! Please be praying for us as we continue to adapt to our new teams (don’t worry you’ll get to meet the Golden Girls soon enough) and prepare our hearts for a whole new month of ministry.
Hope Lesotho will be great! Always enjoy your blogs! Can’t wait for the next update. Stay safe!!
Love and prayers from Junction! think about you often and miss you! keep taking the world by storm for Jesus!
ich freue mich von dir zu lesen. Deine Odika
Danke! Lesotho was definitely a whole lot better!
Thank you!!!! I’ll do my best lol
Habe dich ganz arg lieb!
Thank you so much for all your prayers! I’m beyond excited to get to hang out with you for the next few weeks!
Thank you so much for all your love and support!
Dear God, Thank you for Janine’s transparency and honesty with what she’s struggling with. Please help and encourage her as she and the Squad enter the second half of this amazing journey. Give her peace that passes understanding, hope that is solid, joy that is deep, and connection that is real. Cast out any fears that plague her and the team, give them tools to face challenges, and courage to share their hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.
I loved, loved, loved our time with you all!
I appreciate the update, Janine! Holding you tightly in prayer as you transition to Lesotho!!