I first heard about World Race several years ago after going on a mission trip to Honduras. One of the people I went with mentioned that a friend had just returned from a World Race trip. For whatever reason, it stuck in my mind. I looked into it a bit, but I wasn’t really serious about.
Fast forward a few years to the beginning of this semester – the last semester of my college career. After five years of tests, papers, and projects, I was nervous but ready to jump into the real world. As the weeks went on, I realized that I wanted to do something that matters. I had been going through Beth Moore’s Chasing Vines study and I felt really convicted to use this new season to be fruitful. I wanted to find a job that would let me make a difference in someone’s life, a job that meant something. I started applying to all sorts of places – editing firms, the Denver school district, various nonprofits. One day, I randomly remembered World Race. I have no idea what triggered it, but now I can see that it was clearly the Holy Spirit nudging me. I started looking into it some more and began to feel giddy… Was this what God had in store for me? I mean, now would be the perfect time to go on an 11-month mission trip.
After exploring the site for a bit, I checked out the application dates and saw that the deadline for the next trip was coming up in two days. Immediately, I felt discouraged. Between school, work, and life, I didn’t think that I would get the application done in time. Was this really what God wanted? Maybe I was being too ambitious. But I decided to go for it. Why not? I’ll just go ahead, apply, and see what happens.
What happened was that I got another job offer. I was offered a position with Corps for a Change to work as a mentor in the Denver school district for the next school year. Right about this time, I also heard a great sermon about serving where you’re at – not everyone is called to travel the world on mission trips; most of us are meant to love and show Jesus right where we are. So, was this what God had in store? Did I just want to go on the World Race for selfish reasons? Was I meant to serve in my own community instead?
I spent the next few days in prayer. I asked God to make it very clear where He wanted me – if the World Race wasn’t meant for me, please don’t let me get accepted, Lord. A few days later I received a call from the World Race admissions team. I was accepted to go on the trip! Not going to lie, I was so overwhelmed by emotion that I almost burst into tears right there on the phone. Luckily for Megan, I kept it together long enough to get through the call. As soon as I hung up, I fell on my knees and prayed. Was this really my path for the next year?
I hoped so. I knew that this would be the experience of a lifetime and I really wanted to go. But I also knew that it wasn’t about what I wanted, but what God wanted. I needed to spend lots of time praying, listening, and getting advice. After taking some time to pray and a conversation with my mom, it was clear that this was what God intended for me. I was going on the World Race.
So excited for you and so proud of you!
You will surely bless any organization where your writing skills can be tapped for Kingdom work. I know one place in particular that could use a full time comm person. Whereever you go next, the people with whom you connect will be blessed.
I can’t wait to see where God leads me and calls me to serve! I know He’ll use me in the most amazing ways.
Thank you, Mama!
I’ve learned that God puts those ‘wild’ dreams on our hearts for us to chase after Him to fulfill them. You’re exactly where you need to be…going into all the world preaching the gospel unto everyone….and it’s just as much for YOU as it is for the people whose lives you’ll impact. So glad you’re part of our squad!