Compared to Costa Rica, our living arrangements look very different here in Nicaragua and I’m guessing that this will be the case every month. In Costa Rica, it was just the Squash Sisters. We slept on mattresses in the middle of a good-sized church and were able to go on walks whenever we wanted. There was plenty of space to find silence and solitude. This is definitely not the case this month.
Light and Salt Ministries is in Ciudad Dario. Although it is by no means the most dangerous city in Central America, it has its fair share of sketchy places and people. The ministry center consists of two large buildings surrounded by a tall stone wall with a huge metal gate. On our first day, our host, Tara, explained that if we wanted to leave the ministry center, we would have to be in groups of at least three and make sure that we got back before dark. She also assured us that we would always have a security guard here at night.
It’s amazing that she takes our safety so seriously! But it’s also made it extremely difficult to find space for alone time. This isn’t helped by the fact that this month is an all-squad month which means that all three of our teams, Teams Bloom, Pinky Promise, and Squash Sisters, are all together. Having to stay in this small of a space with 19 other women for most of the day has been really hard for all of us. Claudia decided to name the ministry center the Snow Globe because of how confining and separate from the outside world it often feels like.
While I haven’t felt fully rested all month, this situation has also taught me a lot of valuable lessons. Mainly that your relationship with God can’t be based on your circumstances. Just because I can’t find space to go pray alone doesn’t mean that I’m just off the hook. Just because I get easily distracted by conversations around me when I’m reading my Bible, doesn’t mean that I should just give up on it. It just means that I have to get more creative with how I pray, read, and worship.
I’ve also had to learn to make the most of the opportunities I’m given. On our off days, part of the squad will go to the pool or into town. I usually stay behind to soak up the peace and extra space. I’ve also been getting up earlier and staying up later to have some time with just me and God while everyone is in bed. Finding time for something is surprisingly easy when you just choose to make it a priority.
Please be praying for me as I continue to navigate what living in community looks like. We’ll be heading to Columbia this Friday for another all-squad month! I can’t wait to see what the living situation looks like there!
Look at the size of that gate! No one’s getting through there…
So true! It was definitely a bit of a culture shock to see it as such a norm here.
Traveling to countries where everyone’s houses are walled, gated and razor wired, impressed upon me the incredible freedom and safety we experience in the US. Even in the South Bronx, one of the most dangerous areas of New York City, there aren tall walls with razor wire, but not everything is walled in. We truly are soooo blessed!