Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my incredible, amazing, wonderful team: the Squash Sisters!
Before we get started, I should probably explain how we got the most perfect team name ever. During training camp, our mentor, Amy, brought in a beautiful yellow squash that she grew herself. She was so excited about it that it made its way into one of the lessons from our mentor, Char. “We are all beautiful, unique squash” quickly became our squad motto. Towards the end of the week, our squad of eighteen was split into three teams of six. Each team was then tasked with coming up with a team name. After a bunch of brainstorming, we tentatively settled on the Sunbeam Sisters. That is, until Bre sent us a picture of a beautiful, yellow squash. Then it hit us! From here on out, we would be the Squash Sisters!
Now that you’ve got some background on the best team name ever, it’s time to meet the Squash Sisters!
Janine Hald
By now, you probably have a good idea of who I am, so I’ll keep this brief. My name is Janine and I’m from Colorado. I’ve got a little sister named Nessa and a dog named Trixi. I’m also the proud aunt of Nessa’s bunnies, Hazel and Pluto. I graduated from Colorado Mesa University in May with bachelors in English Literature and Business Marketing. As I was wrapping up school, I decided that I wanted to go on an adventure with God where I would also be able to do something that truly mattered and made a difference. This led me to the World Race, which I leave on in THREE DAYS. I’m so incredibly excited for this next season of my life and I can’t wait to see everything God is going to do over these next eleven months. The word that He has given me to focus on for the year is “love,” so get ready to read all about it!
Claire Berry
Hi, I’m Claire! I recently graduated from Liberty University with a Sales Management and Marketing degree. A few hobbies I have include reading, exercising, and volunteering my time to help animals and people in the community. I have three sisters who are my best friends and, of course, my dog who is my baby. I had the wonderful opportunity to study abroad in Greece. I found my love for traveling and realized that it was something I was extremely passionate about. As college graduation was approaching, I realized I was not quite ready to work a full-time job. I had been researching different ways in which I could go overseas and do something I loved. I found the World Race and thought it was the perfect fit. I told God that if He made a way for me, I would go and serve. I am beyond excited to embark on the journey and cannot wait to see how God changes my life as well as those around me!
Check out Claire’s blog!
Bre Smith
Hey friends! About three years ago, I went to Nepal and through that trip God gave me a passion for the orphan. He spoke over me that I will be the “mother of many nations.” As I was praying over that and what missions looked like for the year, the Lord placed the World Race on my heart. I believe that as I go and be the hands and feet of Jesus, He will bring clarity to that word that He spoke over me three years ago. I look forward to sharing the love of Jesus with everyone we serve! I’m so expectant for what God is going to do and so excited to do it along with all of these ladies.
Check out Bre’s blog and Instagram!
Claudia Gruett
Hi! I’m from Appleton, Wisconsin and graduated this past spring from Butler University with a degree in Instrumental Music Education – I’m certified K-12 so I can play and teach all instruments to the little kiddos! My primary instrument is the flute. I’m a runner and roller skater. I ran my first marathon this past fall and I’ve been roller skating for about a year (I can do some sick tricks, but I still have a lot to learn). I LOVE concerts and live music – huge classic rock and alternative music gal. My favorite bands are U2, AC/DC, Bad Suns, COIN, and Waterparks. My favorite TV show is either Community or Friends. I have a deep passion for traveling and immersing myself in other cultures. I studied abroad in Vienna, Austria. Why the World Race? That’s a great question and I’m still learning the answer to that one! It’s kind of fun because my “yes” to the World Race is like a giant puzzle and He is slowly giving me the different pieces – the picture He is revealing to me is the woman I’m becoming. One of the “pieces” I’ve already gotten is that He wants to challenge me through the minimalistic aspect of the World Race and let go of these earthly items I place so much value on.
Check out Claudia’s blog, Instagram, and YouTube channel!
Shelby Sager
Hey everyone! I’m Shelby from Texas. I’m the oldest of three and I LOVE reading and history. I’ve already been to eleven different countries, so I’m excited to keep traveling this year. I chose to do the World Race because I wanted to share the gospel with the lost. I felt trapped in my job and needed a break from teaching, so I decided to give the Lord this year. I wanted to serve Him without the outside distractions.
Check out Shelby’s blog and Instagram!
Anna-Stewart Faircloth
I’m Anna-Stewart aka Astew! I’m from Lexington, North Carolina, the home of great people and the best BBQ. The dog in the picture is my puppy, Moose! He’s a year old and I love him more than Diet Coke (which is a lot). I graduated from Liberty University where I studied Youth Ministry. I heard God calling me to the World Race and was immediately excited because I love to travel and talk about Jesus. I’m so excited to go on this adventure with Jesus and my sweet squad!
Check out Astew’s blog and Instagram!
Well, that’s my amazing team! I love them so much already and I hope that you’ve enjoyed learning a little bit about them. Over the next few months, please be praying for them and keep an eye on their blogs and other social media pages.
Yes! Love to see the iconic squash sisters!
Ahhhh! Thanks!!
Thanks for the introduction! Nicely done everyone.
They all did such a great job writing their bios! And it’s so cool to see everyone’s personality come through!
I love the intros and the pics! Who knew that squash would become immortal?! I love it and all of you beautiful Squash Sisters!!